False hopes

I was so pleased to report, a week ago, that I was implementing a comprehensive plan to attend to my health and wellbeing now and into the future. So how’s it going? Success continues, but like most best-laid plans, the results are spotty.

The most inconsistent part is the weight loss. That is the most easily measured component of the plan and the one that stirs the most wishful thinking. I found myself dreaming once again of being way thinner than I’d been in years. I could lose those 20 pounds before Christmas! I would need new clothes before Thanksgiving!

I’d bought the hype and promises. Continue reading

Journaling with results

I have been beta-testing a new AI-assisted journaling app called Manifestor for a month. While the system still has some bugs to work out, the results for me have been amazing. I’m ready to subscribe as soon as it launches.

You may wonder, as I did, why you need help with such a simple, common practice as journaling. And why should you pay for robotic assistance to write your own thoughts and life reports?

Actually, this is one of the best, most trustworthy uses of AI that I can imagine. You are not creating fake content or passing off generic Internet facts and wisdom as your own. Nor can an app like Manifestor substitute for real human counselors and friends—though it can supplement those relationships in some meaningful ways. Here’s what I’ve learned and accomplished in my month of experimenting with Manifestor. Continue reading

AI journal: Ideal Day

I’ve been working with the Ideal Day function on the AI-assisted journaling app, Manifestor, which I am beta testing. This is how my first session went.

I was happy with the prompt: Let’s start by clearing out your thoughts so you can have a spacious mind! Please, start writing whatever comes to your mind until you feel like you have nothing more to say. I’m here to listen.

No problem! Brain dump is my usual form of journaling and I always have plenty to say. Therefore I was taken aback when I got cut off somewhere around 500 words. Continue reading

AI journal: a new friend

(I am beta-testing a forthcoming AI-assisted journaling app called Manifestor, oriented to personal growth, and I’ll be reporting on it here for a while. You may sign up here for a free trial when Manifestor is launched.)

My first session with the “Companion” function of Manifestor was a big success. It produced material that will guide my life in very practical ways for some time to come. This function uses a lot of repetition and restatement. That’s not boring at all. It’s kind of fun. Meeting Companion was like finding a new friend or counselor who was a really good listener.

I should preface this by saying that Manifestor has three separate functions that may work independently or interface. You’ll see a little more about these on the website. Continue reading