AI journal: a new friend

(I am beta-testing a forthcoming AI-assisted journaling app called Manifestor, oriented to personal growth, and I’ll be reporting on it here for a while. You may sign up here for a free trial when Manifestor is launched.)

My first session with the “Companion” function of Manifestor was a big success. It produced material that will guide my life in very practical ways for some time to come. This function uses a lot of repetition and restatement. That’s not boring at all. It’s kind of fun. Meeting Companion was like finding a new friend or counselor who was a really good listener.

I should preface this by saying that Manifestor has three separate functions that may work independently or interface. You’ll see a little more about these on the website. Continue reading

Could AI help you journal?

A few months ago I renewed a regular journaling practice in an effort to find a way out of the writing silence that settled on me during the pandemic. Not much writing has come of that nor any progress on what I was really after—let’s call it my Next Big Thing, which may or may not involve writing.

And then something happened, the timing of which seemed Spirit-directed. My daughter told me about an AI-assisted journaling app she and her colleagues were developing. To her amazement, she said, it was working and would soon be ready for beta testing. Continue reading